utazási blogger karrierem során, az a kérdés, hogy a leggyakrabban felteszem: „Hogyan lehet ilyen gyakran utazni?”

Manapság csak válaszolok: „Az utazási blogok az én munkám”. Nagyon sok év telt el, amikor a reklámozásom a találkozók világában tartott engem, valamint a túlzott időket, egy olyan világban, ahol követelményem van, hogy engedélyt kérjek a három napnál hosszabb utazáshoz. Akkoriban az utazás trükkös volt. Az utazás kivétel volt, nem pedig a szabály. Ez egy jutalom volt, amire a hét végén kerestem.

Sok utazási blogíró szintén teljes munkaidős alkalmazott. A nyaralási levelek művészetének, valamint a hosszú hétvégéknek a készség elsajátításához szükséges. Szerencsére megtapasztalhatjuk a sok csodálatos dolgot, amelyet ez a világ kínál, annak ellenére, hogy teljes munkaidős hátrányaim vannak. Lehetséges megőrizni a kettő egészséges egyensúlyát. Itt van néhány tipp.

1. Vegye ki a hétvégét rövid utakra.

Vegye figyelembe a hétvégét a rutin időtutakját. Egy év alatt 52 hétvége van. Használja őket éjszakai vagy két éjszakai kirándulásokhoz. Meg fog lepődni, hogy pontosan hány gyönyörű úticél van néhány órán belül, ahonnan vagy. Például, ha Manilában székhellyel vagy, csak vezet vagy indítson busszal Batangas, Zambales, Quezon vagy Pangasinan felé. Ha Washington DC -ben tartózkodik, a Virginia vidék vár rád.

További információ: 15 olcsó, bármennyire hihetetlen úticél Manila közelében

A legfontosabb itt az, hogy ne költsünk annyit a szállításra. Nincs értelme egy drága repülést foglalni valahova, ahol csak egy -két napra megy. Tegye félre a nehezen megkeresett pénzt hosszabb utakhoz, valamint a távolabbi úti célokhoz. Ehelyett maximalizálja a rendelkezésére álló időt. Kiválaszthatja, hogy péntek este vagy kora szombat reggel, valamint vasárnap este visszatér. Nem követeli, hogy sokáig maradjon. Mivel ezek a helyek közel vannak, ha végül szereti, akkor visszatérhet még egy hétvégén.

2. A nyaralás rutinja a nem működő ünnepek, valamint a hosszú hétvégék körül.

Nézd meg így: A nyaralók levelei értékesebbek, mivel sokoldalú, és mikor kell felhasználni őket, mint te. Használja ki az értékes nyaralási leveleit ésszerűen, ha hosszabb utakra és távolabbi úti célokra fenntartja őket. Hogyan? Rutináljuk őket a nem működő ünnepek vagy a hosszú hétvégék körül.

Például december 24., 25., 30., 31., valamint január 1 -jei ünnepek a Fülöp -szigeteken. Mindezek a dátumok őszi hétköznapokon. December 26–27-én, valamint január 2-3-án egy hétvégén ősszel. Az egyetlen munkanap december 24. január 24. között december 28–29. Ha e két szendvicses napra vonatkozó szabadságot ad, akkor csak két nyaralót használ, de teljes 11 napot élvezhet.

Egy másik példa a Fülöp-szigeteken székhellyel, a kormány november 18–19-i ünnepeket hirdetett. Őszen szerdán-csütörtökön. Ha egy november 20 -án egy szabadságot használ, amely péntek, akkor öt napot élvezhet (beleértve a következő hétvégét is). Számos hasonló helyzetet fedez fel, amelyben pontosan hány ünnep van itt, a Fülöp -szigeteken.

3. Gondoljon a nem túl népszerű úti célokra.

Megértem, hogy haldoklik Párizsba, Tokióba, Baliba vagy Boracay -ba, valamint teljesen rendben van. Van azonban sok más, érdemes hely, amelyeket sokkal alacsonyabb áron élvezhet. A kiemelkedő célállomások általában költségesebbek, valamint az ünnepek és a csúcsidőszak alatt elterjedtek. Ha van egy promóció egy rendeltetési helyhez, még akkor is, ha ez nem szerepel a konténerlistámban, megpróbálnám felfedezni, hogy van -e valami, ami elbűvölhet nekem, és hogy pozitív, akkor lefoglalom.

Például, amikor Catarman (Észak -Samar) eladásra került, googlizáltam és felfedeztem a Biri -szigetet, amely szerintem kíváncsi. Lefoglalta, valamint az egyik legszebb utazásom volt. Lehet, hogy pontosan ugyanazt állíthatom Hualien (Tajvan), Mui NE (Vietnam), Bandung (Indonézia), valamint Dél -Cotabato (Fülöp -szigetek). before my visit, I would never state it was a dream for me to get there, however I was delightfully surprised.

4. Take advantage of business trips.

Megértem, hogy nem mindenkinek szerencséje van ahhoz, hogy valahol hivatalos üzleti vállalkozáshoz küldjön, azonban ha Ön a szerencsések közé tartozik, vegye ki őket. complying with the principle above, prolong your stay to cover the next weekend or data a leave for the days in between the business trip as well as the closest weekend. This way, you get to have your airfare as well as a few hotel nights for FREE.

My former client would always invite me to Singapore to satisfy with the regional team, as well as I would always try to routine it on a Friday or Monday so I get to stay there for the weekend.

5. book promo or discounted flights in advance.

Being able to travel often isn’t just a matter of time, it’s likewise a matter of money. While the expense of flying has dropped significantly over the past few years, a great fraction of travel costs is still spent on airfare. however there are methods to discover the least expensive flights. You have two options: discounts as well as aggregators.

Stalk budget plan airlines on their social network accounts as well as sign up for their newsletters. This way, you get to be informed instantly when there’s a sale or a promotion going on. right here in the Philippines, discounts are usually introduced on the eve of a holiday. For example, Cebu Pacific as well as Philippine Airlines usually reveal a seat sale at midnight of new Year’s Day, national Heroes’ Day, as well as Easter.

More information: exactly how to book promo Flights
Another method to snag low fares: aggregators like SkyScanner. These browse engines rummage with airline as well as travel sites to provide you the least expensive flights.

Előfoglalás. Usually, the better the travel dates are, the more costly it gets. airplane seats are tiered by cost as well as there’s a ceiling cost per tier. (This tiering has nothing to make with the physical place of the seat, except for premium seats as well as business class.) state in the economic climate Class, 30 seats can be offered for USD100, some for USD200, others for USD 500. most airline booking systems work in a method that it will offer you the least expensive flights first, as well as if they’re offered out, it will provide you the next cheapest, as well as so on. This means that the farther the travel date is, the more likely the inexpensive ones are available.

6. set up a travel fund.

Another plus of booking in advance: you’ll have time to save for your trip. Thus, it is finest that you keep a travel fund. This is a separate bank account that, ideally, you can utilize overseas. Take a portion of your monthly income as well as put it into your travel fund, as well as whatever occurs (except if it’s emergency), DO NOT TOUCH IT.

You requirement to be wise in exactly how you spend your money even before the trip. If you want to travel more, you requirement to cut down on unnecessary spending. travel includes a cost tag: airplane tickets, transfers, accommodations, etc. For you to experience much of what a location has to offer, you requirement to have the resources to make it happen. stop eating out, shop less frequently, stop smoking. All these bit things eat up your budget, which might add to your travel fund.

7. equip your co-workers.

If you have a team working under you, equip them by sometimes letting them handle the leadership role. Train them in making smart decisions as well as make them comprehend the complexities of your job. pick somebody who might take your location as well as ensure that your team can function excellently even when you’re not around. Not only is it great for their morale, it likewise enables you to be worry-free when you’re away.

If you don’t have a team under you, strike an contract with a associate to cover for every other should one of you be away for a holiday.

8. Leave work at the office.

As much as possible, don’t take work with you when you travel. The whole point of being on vacation is for you to get away from the madness of business life. inspecting your emails every now as well as then is okay, however ditch the difficult work. Hagyja. fail to remember about it. just enjoy as well as relax. You requirement it, as well as you most likely deserve it.

Being preoccupied with work kills the joy in travel. trust me, you’ll get to appreciate more of the journey when your mind is with you, not wandering elsewhere. There had been many instances where I failed to check out (Ugh! Amsterdam. Ugh! Cairns!) just since I was working my ass off the whole time, as well as I regret it even as much as now.

9. Be available to possibilities to maximize your travel time as well as money.

Here in the Philippines, there is a prominent saying, “Kung maiksi ang kumot, matutong mamaluktot.” Literally, it means if the blanket is as well short, then discover to curl up. It’s a more poetic method of reminding ourselves to suck it up as well as make make with what we have. If you have restricted time as well as money, it’s time to get resourceful.

Choose a hostel/homestay. five years ago, before traveling full time, I would have never envisioned myself staying anywhere other than a hotel. I liked the comfort as well as privacy. however as I was slowly embracing backpacking as well as my funds were quickly depleting, I discovered that hostels as well as guesthouses have their own charm. I got to satisfy like-minded individuals in hostels, as well as experience regional life first-hand in homestays. now that I’m back being a full-time employee, my like for hostels as well as homestays stayed with me. They’re cheaper too. (Couchsurfing is free, by the way.)

Barátkozni. the very best part of staying in hostels is that it’s easier to make friends.as well as since you now have travel buddies, you now have people to split the expense with. For example, a one-day tuk-tuk tour around Angkor in Cambodia costs USD15 if you’re alone, as well as USD 18 if you’re a group of three (which is USD6 each). That’s a 9-dollar difference. In Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, it’s cheaper to just lease a vehicle if there are three or four of you, than to join a group tour.

Take overnight transfers. One thing I like to do is taking overnight trains as well as buses. saves me airfare as well as hotel nights.

Bike away. In many cities, biking is risk-free as well as is the least expensive mode of transportation. I didn’t understand exactly how to trip the bicycle before, however I discovered it in Cambodia. since then, I would bike whenever possible.

Korán kelni. Maximize your stay by starting the day early. Ideally, right before sunrise when the streets are just starting to find alive. It’s always a fantastic experience. getting up early means you have more hours of daylight, more hours of exploring.

Forget costly gifts. Coming house from a trip bring tons of gifts (or pasalubong) is, of course, extremely admirable. however you don’t requirement it, as well as they most likely don’t. If I would bring house gifts from each of my trips as well as provided exactly how frequently I hit the road, I’d be broke. If you’re planning on traveling more often, fail to remember about it or settle for cheaper items.

10. Be remarkable at what you do.

Whatever it is that you do for a living, be remarkable at it, remarkable sufficient that you ended up being indispensable. Although this doesn’t hold true for everyone, excellence can mean higher pay (bigger travel fund) and, if you can pull it off, more vacation leaves (longer trips). If your plan is contractual as well as your contract is up for renewal, you can negotiate for more leaves. If you’re a routine employee, you can speak to your superior for it. (Results vary depending upon exactly how great you are or exactly how much of a douche your manager is.) however if they see your value, you can strike a reasonable deal.

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